Intl. Journal of Temporal Deflective Behavior
Vol. 4, No. 1864, pp.519,
Copyright c 2008 J. Cham. All rights reserved

: A context-changing model in characterizing jargonistic erudition

Cham, J. G.*, Slackenerny, M. A. and Smith, B. S.
*California University of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Stanford Institute Center, Palo Alto, CA

(Received in final form 30 November 1999)

This paper presents an alternative visual web-enabled interpretation of the short-based graphical sequential narration titled (). It is hypothesized that use of this secondary interface suffused with third-person linguistic usage and academic spatial distribution will provide improvement in perceived acumen generated from stochastic interactions with supervisory archtypes found in learning environments. Results show that persistent exposure to phdcomics dot com (PDC) is mildly correlated to jocular deportment, which suggests improvements in temporal-delay behavior of bounded activity.

1. Introduction


"Piled Higher and Deeper" (PhD) is the comic strip about life (or

Continue stealth mode: previous comic - next comic
The coast is clear
Intl. Journal of hey, tell a friend about this comic
Vol. 4, No. 1864, pp.519,